Research & News

Techno-Social Energy Infrastructure Siting

By |2017-11-04T15:22:50+00:002013/06/30|Research|

Sustainable Energy Modeling Programming (SEMPro) Technical, environment, social, economic and political constraints are critical barriers to the development of new renewable energy supplies. SEMPro is an agent-based, predictive analytics model of energy siting policy in the techno-social space that simulates how competing interests shape siting outcomes to identify beneficial policy for sustainable energy infrastructure. [...]

SEMPro Model

By |2017-11-04T15:23:04+00:002011/11/04|Research|

Communications Documentation This document contains information explaining the operation of the SEMpro model. Listed below are the key parameters used by the current version (11/29/10) and a qualitative description of what the minimum and maximum values of each parameter signify. All parameters discussed are continuous and can take any value between the minimum [...]

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