Research & News

Spatial Validation of Agent-Based Models

By |2024-01-18T00:20:43+00:002024/01/17|Research|

Spatial Validation of Agent-Based Models This paper adapts an existing techno–social agent-based model (ABM) in order to develop a new framework for spatially validating ABMs. The ABM simulates citizen opposition to locally unwanted land uses, using historical data from an energy infrastructure siting process in Southern California. Spatial theory, as well as the [...]

Communities of Place vs. Communities of Interest in the United States

By |2024-01-17T01:34:54+00:002024/01/17|Research|

Communities of place vs communities of interest in the United States: Citizen information and locally unwanted land uses in EIA The 50th anniversary of NEPA marks a pivotal shift in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). With a doubled global population and booming urbanization, EIA faces new challenges. Increased public awareness, fueled by digital access [...]

Half-Length and the FACT Framework

By |2024-01-17T01:36:04+00:002024/01/17|Research|

Half-Length and the FACT framework: Distance-decay and citizen opposition to energy facilities Despite a global push for clean energy to combat climate change, air pollution, and energy insecurity, a frustrating obstacle emerges: citizen opposition. New wind farms, solar arrays, and transmission lines face resistance even as their vital role in achieving crucial Paris [...]

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