Permitting Energy Infrastructure in the 21st Century

By |2017-11-02T21:47:47+00:002014/06/03|Research|

Using predictive analytics to reduce infrastructure siting conflicts and improve social and economic outcomes 21st century problems of species extinction, global warming, energy security, yet rely on 19th century approaches for solving problems. The US Chamber of Commerce’s Project-No Project program has attempted to quantify the economic benefits from modernizing US infrastructure. [...]

Techno-Social Energy Infrastructure Siting

By |2017-11-04T15:22:50+00:002013/06/30|Research|

Sustainable Energy Modeling Programming (SEMPro) Technical, environment, social, economic and political constraints are critical barriers to the development of new renewable energy supplies. SEMPro is an agent-based, predictive analytics model of energy siting policy in the techno-social space that simulates how competing interests shape siting outcomes to identify beneficial policy for sustainable energy infrastructure. [...]

SEMPro Model

By |2017-11-04T15:23:04+00:002011/11/04|Research|

Communications Documentation This document contains information explaining the operation of the SEMpro model. Listed below are the key parameters used by the current version (11/29/10) and a qualitative description of what the minimum and maximum values of each parameter signify. All parameters discussed are continuous and can take any value between the minimum [...]

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